
people in the station in 2011

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Maarten Loonen Suzanne Lubbe Jos Rokx Dick Van der Kroef Nicole Miedema

Maarten Loonen

Netherlands Arctic Station



Suzanne Lubbe

Netherlands Arctic Station

field assistant


Jos Rokx

Netherlands Arctic Station

Ministery of Education


Dick Van der Kroef

Netherlands Arctic Station

program manager


Nicole Miedema

Netherlands Arctic Station



Dagmar Egelkraut Elspeth Kolvoort Hans Kruijer Michael Stech Stef Weijers

Dagmar Egelkraut

Netherlands Arctic Station



Elspeth Kolvoort

Netherlands Arctic Station



Hans Kruijer

Netherlands Arctic Station



Michael Stech

Netherlands Arctic Station



Stef Weijers

Netherlands Arctic Station


Jelte Rozema Jouke Rozema Maarten van der Voorde Jasper Doest Bert Buizer

Jelte Rozema

Netherlands Arctic Station



Jouke Rozema

Netherlands Arctic Station

Maarten van der Voorde

Netherlands Arctic Station

wildlife photographer


Jasper Doest

Netherlands Arctic Station

wildlife photographer


Bert Buizer

Netherlands Arctic Station



For webmaster

Staying in London houses
Maarten Loonen23 June
25 July
Univ. Groningen
arctic ecology,
geese, birdhealth
London IV
Suzanne Lubbe23 June - 15 AugUniv. Groningen, field assistantgosling dietLondon IV
Dagmar Egelkraut23 June - 22 AugWageningen Univ. studenttrophic mismatchLondon IV
Elspeth Kolvoort27 June - 28 JulyNational Herbarium, studentbryology, mossesLondon III
Michael Stech27 June - 7 JulyNational Herbarium, researcherbryology, mossesLondon IV
Hans Kruijer27 June - 7 JulyNational Herbarium, researcherbryology, mossesLondon IV
Jelte Rozema2 - 6 June
22-25 Aug
Free Univ, A'dam, researcherbotanyLondon III
Stef Weijers2 -6 JuneFree Univ, A'dam, post-docbotanyLondon III
Bert Buizer22-25 AugFree Univ, A'dam, post-docbotanyLondon III
Jouke Rozema22-25 AugFree Univ, A'dam, master studentgeologyLondon IV
Jasper Doest4 July-11 Julywildlife photographer

stay canceled 20110627, no foxes in town

Maarten van der Voorde4 July- 11 Julywildlife photographer

stay canceled 20110627, no foxes in town

Nicole Miedema7 July- 25 JulyNational School for Tourism and Traffic, BredastudentLondon III
Dick van der Kroef7 July- 11 JulyNetherlands National Science Organisation, NWOcoordinator Netherlands Polar ProgrammeLondon IV
Jos Rokx7 juli- 11 juliMinistery of Educationpolicy polar researchLondon IV

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