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ozone measurements

24 July 2009 13:00

Every week, the German base is launching a balloon which measures ozone concentration while it soars to 35 kilometer altitude. There air pressure is only 7 hectopascal (compared to 1017 at ground level) and the balloon is almost ten times the size at ground level before it explodes and the payload drops back on earth as scientific waste, Data are transmitted back to the ground every seconde and averaged per 5 seconds. With an average climb of 5 meters per second, this averaged value accounts for 25 meter height.
The ozone concentration is receiving a lot of attention since the discovery of the so-called ozone hole in the antarctic. In the arctic, there is some depletion of ozone in early spring when the light returns, but by far not as dramatic as in the antarctic. At the atmospheric laboratory which is part of the Network for the Detection of Stratospheric Change (NDSC), there are several instruments measuring ozone, using different methods. The video to the left shows Marcus Schumacher while he launches the balloon.

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